Friday, September 16, 2011

Confession Friday -- 9-16!

I confess that for the past 2 days it has been chilly enough that I haven't wanted to get out of the house.

I confess that this round of Clara's shots was harder for me than the last round.

I confess that I am posting this link to Facebook for the first time today... I am REALLY nervous about what people are going to think!  But, please read all of my posts and let me know!  :)

I confess that I am trying to find detergent for my cloth diapers that has no enzymes, phosphates, brightening agents, dyes, or perfumes.  I tried All Free and Clear, but it has a brightening agent.  I tried 7th Generation, but it has enzymes (and makes the diapers smell fishy).  And, I have the BumGenius detergent on the way... we will see how I like it!  If I don't, I will just have to go back to All Free and Clear... haha!

I confess that I haven't been reading as much to Clara lately as I used to.  I feel SO bad about it!

I confess that Clara's great-aunt Juli got her an Eric Carle toy (a ladybug from The Grouch Ladybug) and she LOVES it.  So, I got an Eric Carle caterpillar and an Eric Carle elephant, but she doesn't like them near as much!

I confess that I feel like my confessions are pretty lame today... maybe I'll have something better next week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I confess that I'm following this blog, but your posts aren't showing up in my feed! Boo! No wonder why I'm behind...good thing you posted that link on facebook. ;)

    I confess that Evelyn is just now rediscovering books...and I'm loving it! Gives me an excuse to buy more, haha.

  2. So I have heard alot about Charlie's soap, get it on Amazon. And they are very cheap. I am trying out Nellies soap right now. Both are recommended for cloth diapers and both are cheaper then Bum genius. Also I think Rockin green has some free of everything soaps too but they are more expensive. If you have any more questions about washing let me know because I have been researching it like crazy lately because we just got a new washer and I am trying to figure out the best ways to use it. Oh yeah alot of people have recommended tide orginal powder too but I don't know much about it.
