Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is that Emily or Clara? 6 months!

Clara got her 6 month shots on Tuesday.  We were excited to finally know how big she had grown in two months!  She gained 2 pounds 5 ounces from September's visit, and now weighs a whopping 17 pounds 13 ounces (77%).  She grew .75 inches and is now 26.25 inches long (68%).  And, her head grew 1 inch in circumference and is now 18 inches around (96%).  That would be why she fits her 9 month onesies and 12 month pants now!!

Clara got three shots this time.  When she got the first one, I thought she wasn't going to cry because she didn't seem phased at all.  But, the last two hurt her a little bit more and she ended up doing her cry where she takes a while to breath because she is so upset (the same one she had done in the past).  All I had to do was hold her to calm her down, but I fed her, too, just to sooth her.  She hasn't felt very good since then, but I hope she gets back to feeling like herself soon!

The pictures of me are also at 6 months old.  Can you tell which of each two pictures is me and which is Clara?  Don't we look a lot alike?  (I'm sorry that some pictures aren't close up, but I had to use the ones that looked most alike.)  She is such a cutie... I guess that means I was am, too!!  Haha!

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