Thursday, November 24, 2011


And on the third night, CLARA SLEPT!!!

After a night of being up for 3 hours in the middle of the night and then a night of not going to sleep for a few hours, she went down easily, only woke up once, and went straight back to sleep last night!!  It was a Thanksgiving day miracle!!

I should be well rested today, right?  WRONG!  Unfortunately last night I felt like I was being fried in bed.  I was sweating, so I turned on the fan... and then I was cold.  Plus, I had to finish washing and drying Clara's diapers so that she would have some for our day trip to Missouri.  Luckily, I have the three hour drive to Missouri to sleep.

Anyway, just wanted to keep you all updated.  Thank you for the advice! 

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