Thursday, October 20, 2011

Clara ROLLS!!!

Yesterday morning, just as Caleb was about to leave for work, Clara surprised us by rolling over from belly to back for the first time!!  I yelled to Caleb what had just happened, but he didn't believe me; he thought that I had helped her, like I had done many times in the past.  I put her on her stomach again for him to watch, but she didn't perform for him.  And so, he left... then she rolled again and again!  A few of you got texts saying she had rolled over three times since I had confided to many that I was worried about her not rolling over at five months.  Caleb's text back said, "We have a video camera, you know."  Why, yes indeed, I do know.  So, without further ado, here is my greatest accomplishment doing her greatest accomplishment (so far).  :) 


  1. AWWW.. Congrats mommy and daddy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love watching this over and over again. Way to go Clara.
