Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Baby is a Bully and Other Randoms

I had a lovely morning at PWOC today.  Granted, I was 15 minutes late, but I was still able to catch some of the worship.  I dropped Clara off in the infant room as always, since the next room up is walking to 18 months... and Clara is not walking yet.  Well, when I went to pick her up, they told me that I could put her into the walking room (since she is WAY more mobile than all of the other kids in the room), and that she took toys away from the other kids.  Wow!!  I had NO idea my sweet Clara could be like that.  I don't want that to be my kid, so I guess we need to work on sharing...

OH NO!!!!  I totally forgot about Clara's Easter basket!  I guess I will be working on that these next two weeks.  This is SO exciting, though... and I totally had forgotten about it.  I am thankful for other Facebook moms talking about getting ready for Easter for their kids!

Caleb is leaving for Selection on Saturday.  We are hoping for a better outcome this time!  

Aaaannnd... that's all that I have for today.  I sure feel like my life is boring!!  Tomorrow I will hopefully have more to post.

Oh, and don't forget to vote on the poll!  Look here and then VOTE!!  Right now, when adding up Facebook votes, votes here, and votes by other friends and family, Option 1 has 6 votes and Option 2 has 4 votes.  Can I say votes anymore times?

1 comment:

  1. I'm behind on Easter, too. I need too step it up! Haha, don't sweat Clara taking toys - it seems to happen when they're the biggest. When she's with the bigger kids I'm sure it won't be a problem. :)
