Monday, December 5, 2011

A Tale of One Body, Many Weights

Over the weekend, I finally returned to my pre-pregnancy weight of 141 pounds (and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy pants size, too) after four months of working my butt off to lose it.  YAY!!!  I celebrated Sunday night with some Welch's sparkling white grape juice.  YUM!!  So, what better way to see my accomplishment... here are the pictures.

Very beginning of college: 135 pounds

Spring of my freshman year in college (I gained a whopping freshman 35): 170 pounds

170 pounds

170 pounds

May 8, 2009: 170 pounds

I gained 18 pounds from July-October 2009 while I was pregnant.  November 2009: 188 pounds

November 2009: 188 pounds

May 2010: 135 pounds

Not sure how much I had gained at this point, but my pre-pregnancy weight was 141 pounds (Caleb coming home helped me gain 6 pounds).

April 2011: I gained a total of 25 pounds in my pregnancy.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of me now at my, but when I get one of me, I will post it so that you can see.  I hope you enjoyed this pictorial weight journey of mine!  Now, I hope to stay this weight for a while (or maybe a few pounds less after I stop breastfeeding when Clara is a year old).