Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's just one of those days!

Last night I found an awesome price ($219.99) for a Britax Boulevard 70 car seat.  I checked to make sure that the prices at Amazon ($239.99), Toys R Us ($271.99), and Diapers.com ($255.99) were all more than that before I bought it.  (I could have gotten a 15% discount at Diapers.com, but that would have involved using someone else's information to qualify to get that... buying it straight up seemed a WHOLE lot easier and the 15% discount would only bring it down to $217.50!)  When I found this price, my first thought was, "Dang it, I can't talk to my husband." and "What if this price is gone tomorrow?", so I bought it... and then had buyer's remorse since I couldn't talk to Caleb.  I called Albee Baby and asked if, since Caleb is in the Army and I am unable to discuss it with him, if I could put my purchase on hold. 

http://www.albeebaby.com/britax-boulevard-70-car-seat-in-sterling.html is the car seat I want!!

I got a call from them this morning, and they have put it on hold for me!!  I asked them if it would be better if I just had it shipped and return it if Caleb didn't want to pay that price or to hold it.  She, God bless her, said that if we had to return it with nothing wrong with it, we would have to pay shipping back to the store, so putting it on hold was the best option.  She ended the conversation with a, "Thank your husband for his service" and I now have a smile on my face about the whole situation!  I totally recommend Albee Baby for your children's purchases!!

In other news, I feel like poop today.  My back is aching, I had a borderline fever (98.8F when my usual temperature is 97.xF) which has now gone down to normal, I am dizzy at times, and have a headache off and on.  Fantastic!  I was SO excited when Clara went down for a nap!  But, yeah, I need to clean the house like big time... feeling like crap is not a great way to get that done!  Ugh, Mamas need sick days!!!

It's Tuesday... I will definitely hear something from Caleb by Friday!!!  EEEeeeekkkkkk!!!!!  Keep on praying that he will get selected!!!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for you!! I have felt on the verge of being sick all week, but it's never materialized into anything big. Just that little annoying feeling that my body is fighting something. Hope you feel better and that everyone stays well for the holidays! Halfway to Friday now! :)
