*I filled up my tank with gas that only cost $2.89/gallon!!
*I'm not going to tell you what new food Clara ate this weekend. You will have to wait until tomorrow to find out! (I really was NOT kidding that I could stretch these food posts oooooouuuuuttttt!)
*We went to Topeka this weekend to shop and I got some FANTASTIC deals at Babies R Us, The Children's Place, and Scrapbooks Etc! I LOVE having really nice people check me out on top of having coupons!
*Clara got a winter coat, snow suit, scarf, and mittens when we shopped. I would put a picture up of it all, but the rain today is making me too lazy to take a picture and apparently the company who made the coat got bought out by Columbia so they don't have a website.
*Does anyone know if the Topeka mall got an Express? I saw a lady with a bag that said EXP JEANS on it, but the directory did not have it there. So, let me know! I would LOVE to only have to go one hour away to shop at Express instead of two!! :)
*We test drove a 2007 Honda Accord EX-L v6. We like it, but it was an automatic and we would like to get a manual. But, I was super stoked that the anchor system will work on both sides AND in the middle! I measured (with my hands) and all of the anchor system hooks were 11 inches apart like they are supposed to be! SCORE!!
*Clara can now roll over from her back to her belly!! Okay, so I mentioned this on my confession post, but this mom is proud of her baby's new skill!
*We watched a ton of both college and NFL football this weekend. I like football, but I'm not that extreme in watching it like Caleb is! Plus, we learned the news that Mizzou is joining the SEC. This will be great for them (or so Caleb says), but I think they will lose a lot of games next year. M-I-Z!!!
*I watched the following video for the second time last night. I still laughed as much as I did the first time I watched it. You HAVE to see it! (The language is NOT appropriate for little kids, fyi.)
I hope you enjoyed your laugh! :)
Isn't bullet pointed life so convenient? Haha. It takes a lot of living to get those bullet points! :)