Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Confession Tuesday (whoops!!) -- 11-15!!

This weekend, I was at my parent's house in Illinois (yes, I was SO close to all of you in Red Bud!!), so I didn't get my confessions in.  Apparently I am really bad about blogging on Friday anyway since the last few confession posts have come on other days!!  But, better late than never, here are my confessions!

I confess that I was SUPER excited when I had not one but TWO shout outs on Adrien's Getting There blog this week!  Thanks SO much for them, Adrien!!  You made my day week!!

I confess that I feel so bad for my child with her runny/stuffy nose.  She DOES NOT like me sucking out her boogers even though I know it will make her feel better.  :(

I confess that we left Illinois on Sunday and it just was NOT enough time to do everything I want to do there!

I confess that we got a call from the kennel on the way to Illinois on Friday.  Sookie was limping (from her patella subluxation).  It is things like that that just rip my heart out!

I confess that Clara tried butternut squash on Thursday.  She did not like it all!!  I will post the videos later.  She did, however, LOVE her sweet potatoes that she tried on Saturday.  (I let her try new stuff early since she only had a few bites of the squash.)

I confess that we took full advantage of getting our free meal for Veterans Day on Friday.  TGI Friday's was SO good!

I confess that I only have a few days left to read the Twilight series before I see the new movie on the 20th, but I am still only 3/4ths of the way through Eclipse!  Will I get it done?


  1. Hehe. :D

    Grace is super stuffy, too and I don't know who is more miserable. There is nothing worse than having a baby that can't breathe!

  2. aww, I can't wait for the baby food stage again!!!!!!

    Landons favorite was bananas & squash!! yummmo!
