Thursday, February 16, 2012

Goings on in my World... According to my Emails to Caleb

So, I obviously have not been as good at posting here lately.  Caleb is currently gone at NTC.  He had access to his phone for a week, and now he doesn't have any communication at all.  Since he has had his phone locked up, I have been emailing him everyday or every other day.  Here is what has been going on while he has been out of touch:

February 12
Clara was awake from 12:30am to 3am last night.  Needless to say, I didn't get to go to church since I was SO tired!  I would have maybe tried to go to late service (at 11:30am), but I have a personal training session at 1pm.
Miss Lady has finally stopped pooping with every diaper change.  HALLELUJAH!!
The little girl said "mamama" when I got her out of the car seat today!!

February 14
I made homemade chicken pot pie yesterday.  It was DELICIOUS!!  I gave Clara some of the chicken pot pie, and she loved it!!
(Chicken Pot Pie Recipe-boil carrots, peas, and green beans in half chicken broth/half water for 10 minutes; boil chicken cubes for 15 minutes in water; drain vegetables and save broth/water; drain chicken-do not save water- and mix into vegetables; put vegetables and chicken into pie crust; mix 2 tablespoons flour with chicken broth/water mix saved; pour chicken broth/water/flour mix into pie; cover pie with another crust; cover edges with foil; bake for 15 minutes then take foil off edges; bake for another 15 minutes; ENJOY!!)
I also made cupcakes to take to PWOC.  Everyone LOVED them!!  I might be eating WAY to much icing!

February 15
Happy Valentines Day yesterday!!  Thanks for my flowers!  They are GORGEOUS!!

Clara and I went swimming tonight!  She wasn't really sure about the water at first (it was cold) and she was really hanging onto me pretty tightly.  But, after a while, she warmed up and was putting her face in the water (trying to drink it), kicking her legs, splashing, and smiling.  I plan to go back to the pool when Mom comes.  I just need to get some swim diapers since I'm still not sure about swimming with a cloth diaper.
Oh, and I saw that Jeff Dunham bought the Batmobile... I just thought that was funny! 

Before his phone got taken away:
Clara started pulling herself up and letting go to stand by herself very frequently!
She now has 2 bottom teeth!
And, she thinks that Sookie is hilarious!

We can't wait until Caleb come home!  I'm sure a lot more will happen before he gets back.  Who knows, Clara could be even closer to or actually walking by herself by then!!


  1. Oooh, very pretty flowers! I admire you for momming it alone when you have to. I hope you've been getting more sleep...I definitely haven't, haha. Grace has decided to wake up more than usual lately, and I am over it!

    Can't wait for you two to be reunited with Caleb! How much longer?

  2. Thanks! I have been getting more sleep... right now it's my fault for not getting to bed sooner instead of her waking up so that's better for me! We should be back together sometime the week of the 25th!! YAY!!!

  3. What beautiful flowers from a great guy! I can't wait to see what Clara is doing for myself. See you Friday!
