In other Clara news:
- She loves to dance to music or just to books with a rhythm (Hand Hand Fingers Thumb or any Dr. Seuss for example)
- We played outside yesterday and she didn't really like being in the grass, but she would play with the grass if the rest of her wasn't in it.
- This past month, she has added chicken, turkey, mangoes, and nectarines. Next up is zucchini. (I'm really bad about trying new foods every few days so we are moving slower with this than we probably should.)
- She has started to feed herself more either with just picking things up off her tray or with a fork I hand her. A lot of times, though, food just ends up falling in her lap.
- Her ear infection is now cleared up. When we went to the doctor, she told us that Clara had a yeast infection. I'm pretty sure that has cleared up now, too.
- We are working on not giving Clara any milk during the night. The first night, she was up for 2 hours with me checking on her every 15 minutes. The second night, she woke up once and went right back to sleep. The third night, she was up for an hour and a half with me checking on her every 15 minutes again. Then, she slept through the night two nights in a row. (HALLELUJAH!!) And, last night, she was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night again. Just when I thought we had made a break through!!
- And finally, we can't wait until Daddy gets back!!